Why you should think twice before making changes to your caravan’s interior
Making sure you’ve got insurance for your touring caravan isn’t a legal requirement in the UK, but it is highly recommended, in order to protect your caravan from potential risks such as theft, damage or accidents.
Choosing the right policy could save you from the unexpected costs associated with these unfortunate issues mentioned above, and it would no doubt also help to give you peace of mind. Here’s what you need to know about caravan insurance, and some of our top tips on what to look for in a policy.
Why is caravan insurance important?
While your car insurance may cover third-party liability while towing, it doesn’t protect the caravan itself nor pay for any repairs, damage or the replacement of your caravan as needed, so if you wanted to protect the caravan itself you’d need to get additional cover for it. Comprehensive specialist caravan insurance covers a wide range of risks, which often include accidental damage, theft, fire, weather-related damage, and even public liability for injuries or property damage caused by your caravan.
Basically, if you haven’t got a caravan insurance policy in place, it could end up costing you a fair bit of money if something does ever go wrong…
What are the key coverage options to consider?
When selecting a decent caravan insurance policy, it’s a good idea to look at the following coverage areas and see what the policy would offer you in terms of:
Accidental damage
This should give you protection against incidents while you are towing or on-site, as a minimum. You probably also want to make sure that you are covered when the caravan is in storage, too. One of the most common causes in 2022 for a claim being put in by caravan owners was for accidental damage, and for an average of £2000 - quite a chunk of change for someone to find for repairs if they didn’t have a policy in place, indeed…
This will give you cover for the loss of your caravan and potentially its contents (see below). Read the small print to see what security measures the insurance company expects you to put in place, so that you can make sure the policy is always valid. Theft is generally the most common reason for a payout, with thousands of caravans being reported as stolen each year - it’s important that you would be able to replace yours if this happened to you.
Sadly, caravans are sometimes damaged by vandals - for example, windows can get smashed - and it’s therefore a good idea to ensure any eventualities are covered by damage that you have not done to the caravan yourself.
Weather damage
This is likely to be essential for protection against floods, storms, and fires, both in the UK and abroad.
Public liability
This element of a policy would cover legal claims against you if your caravan causes injury to someone, or damages property.
New for old replacement
This will likely cost you a bit more, but it can be really useful, in that it ensures you get a brand-new replacement caravan if yours is written off.
Have a think about whether you would also want to cover the contents you keep in your caravan, such as equipment, tech and other personal items. There’s also the option to insure specific items such as the awning - would you be covered if it blows off in a storm, for example? Before you opt for contents cover, it’s a good idea to check your household policy (if you have one) to see if any personal items kept in your caravan would instead be covered by this.
Tips for reducing your premiums
Caravan insurance premiums can vary, but there are often various ways to lower your costs:
Enhance your security
If you install security items such as an alarm, locking post, wheel lock or a tracking device, this can reduce the risk of theft and also the premium cost as you would hopefully be classed as lower risk. Even having a reversing camera installed can make a difference sometimes.
Store your caravan safely
Keeping your caravan in secure storage facilities can help lower the cost of your insurance.
Consider usage limits
If you use your caravan seasonally, you might qualify for a reduced rate - it’s worth asking.
Shop around
Like any insurance, it’s important to get a few quotes - and if you’ve been with the same provider for some time, don’t assume they will reward you with a discount!
Choosing the right insurer
Not all caravan insurance policies are the same. When comparing providers, make sure you look beyond the price, and look clearly at the extent of the policy coverage and exclusions. Have a read of the (genuine!) customer reviews to see what the insurer’s claims handling process looks like - if many people seem to have had trouble getting a claim processed or agreed, then you might want to look elsewhere. Finally, it’s prudent to check that there would be round-the-clock support for any emergencies - the last thing you need when travelling is to have to wait until 9am if you’re stuck somewhere or you’ve been a victim of theft.
Hopefully that’s been helpful! Investing in the right caravan insurance will provide you with some peace of mind and also, that very important financial protection. Whatever you use your caravan for, taking some time to make sure your policy is tailored to your needs and works for you is often time very well spent in the event that something goes wrong…